African Catholic Voices
Celebrating the stories of faith in action and the voices of Christians from the African heartland, the emerging center of gravity of World Christianity.
African Catholic Voices
Rédressez-vous et Relevez la Tête : Réflexion pour le 1er Dimanche de l’Avent
En ce 1er dimanche de l’Avent, Martine Kouadio-Gokra nous offre une réflexion inspirante sur la vigilance et la conversion en préparation de la venue du Seigneur. À travers les lectures du prophète Jérémie et de l’Évangile de Saint Luc, elle nous rappelle que les jours meilleurs sont à venir et que notre rédemption approche.
Jésus nous invite à redresser la tête et relever le cœur, à ne pas laisser nos vies être alourdies par les distractions, les peurs, ou les préoccupations matérielles, mais à veiller et prier pour accueillir l’amour, la paix, et la joie qu’Il nous apporte. Martine nous exhorte à faire de Dieu notre priorité essentielle et à préparer non seulement l’extérieur, mais aussi l’état de notre cœur et de notre âme pour cette période de grâce.
Rejoignez cette méditation pour entrer pleinement dans la grâce de l’Avent et faire de Dieu la priorité de votre vie.
Abonnez-vous, partagez vos réflexions en commentaires, et marchons ensemble vers Noël avec foi et espérance. 🙏
Hello dear brothers and sisters, happy to see you on this first Sunday of Advent, we are in year C And what joy, happy Sunday to everyone! The readings on this first Sunday of Advent invite us to be vigilant, leading us to true conversion The first reading is from the book of the prophet Jeremiah The prophet Jeremiah makes a beautiful announcement to the people He announces the best of times The best days for this people in these terms Behold, new days are coming according to the Lord's rules where I will fulfill The word of happiness addressed to the house of Israel, addressed to the house of Judah What is this word of happiness? I will cause to sprout for you I will raise up for David a righteous branch He will execute justice and righteousness The result of this will be that the house of Judah will be saved And Jerusalem will dwell in safety It will be called the Lord our righteousness Brothers and sisters, this word has come to us The best days are coming New days The sun will shine on us again In our land But are we ready? Or are we willing to prepare ourselves to enter this fulfillment? The new days that are being spoken of That God speaks of That this test will materialize In the person of our Lord Jesus Christ It is written in the gospel Jesus will speak of his coming to Seditie And he will say that there will be signs in the sun In the moon. In the stars But when these signs appear, what will happen? Nations will be in turmoil and destroyed Men will die of fear in anticipation of what is to come The powers of heaven will be shaken Then the day of death will appear in a night The Son of Man with power and glory A very good news The Son of Man will appear with power and glory Jesus will make a beautiful request to his disciples When all this begins, what should the disciples do? Stand up and lift your heads For your redemption is near Brothers and sisters, we are in the last month of the year And as we enter this month, we hear a lot of things In community, at church, circulating on social media And sometimes, we Christians become the mouthpieces for these things to share We share in our various groups, with members of our different families Because we are afraid Because we are panicked Because we are uncertain And yet, he reassures us by saying to stand up and lift our heads For your redemption is near A very good news To stand up and lift my head, he has a request for me And what is this request? It is to stay on my guard So that my heart does not become heavy But what weighs down our hearts? It's a drinking binge The distraction The festivity The fear Non-commitment The scolding The pride Yes, already in our homes We're going to start setting up gardens We'll think about gifts, food, and different clothes We won't think about the state of our heart, the state of our soul And to think about the state of our heart and the state of our soul He gives us another exercise Watch and pray To have the strength to face all of this If we have no strength, and in reality we don't that's why we rush to share these things as if we are not reassured And to ensure that the one who comes will bring us peace will bring us joy, will bring us balance will bring us stability We are all panicked But the good news is that the best is yet to come The good news is that we must stay vigilant So that our hearts do not drift away from God, do not grow heavy The good news is that we must hold on to God But how? How will we hold on to God if we do not have love? And St. Paul, the Tessalonian Apostle He will pray for the people to receive love But when we receive love what do we do? We must live it We live it Live this love And give this love to our brothers Live and give this love So in this preparation in this warning in this call to vigilance and true conversion we have love as our foundation As a basis As a pillar To help us get back on our feet To stand tall And to lift our heads For our redemption is near Then we can say with the psalmist"Lord, to you I lift my soul.""I lift my soul to you, Lord." And he will ask the Lord to teach us in truth Because it is the truth It is this truth When we come to know it it will set us free Brothers and sisters we are invited to let go of our fear We are invited to cling to God We are invited to manage on our own We are invited to pay attention to the state of our heart Appreciate it Prepare our heart Everything we are preparing is external And the inside of ourselves And the state of our soul Watch over our words to welcome it truly and live this moment of joy of great joy This moment of joy Let us ask for grace this Sunday The grace of vigilance The grace of conversion The vigilance that will lead us to truly assess our hearts And to choose God as a priority and the only one, by the way essential for our survival and for our lives My friends, brothers, and sisters I love you, but God loves you even more So, goodbye and have a great Sunday Goodbye Subtitles created for the community